Dr. Priya Dev Goswami, M.Sc, Ph D
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics.
: priyadevgoswami@yahoo.in
: +91-9435473872
Dear students, at present we are living in knowledge based society. Unlike to earlier two civilizations based on agriculture and industries, present world is powered by knowledge. It is determined by consumption of energy and flow of electron transferring data. It is indeed very much important to impart education to the students to the needs and requirement of the present day society. Students can choose the field of study according to their interest and skill. The aim of higher education is to inculcate inherent talent of youths to be bloomed so that they get the knowledge of the subject. After having basics of the subject she/he can contribute new idea and knowledge to the subject. Such thing enriches the society as well as the mankind. During this period of life, innovative idea come to the mind of many students and college is the right place to make it into a reality. Most importantly education makes the students perfect human being, sensitive to all aspects of human life. DHSK College is also committed to provide good quality and relevant education to the aspiring youths of this region of the country. Students should utilise all the facilities available in the campus for enhancement of all kinds of their talent. Work hard, success is yours.